The Lowdown On Lyme Disease | 4 Reasons To Have Your Puppy Vaccinated For Lyme Borreliosis

25 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog


People and puppies go together like peanut butter and jelly. And, unfortunately, ticks want to be part of the delicious sandwich, but they can't be because they spread Lyme borreliosis to dogs (and people, too). Commonly known as Lyme disease, the dangerous bacterial infection has devastating effects on the health and well-being of pets. Fortunately, vaccines now exist that protect puppies from Lyme disease. Here are four reasons to have your puppy vaccinated for Lyme borreliosis.

1. Joint Problems

When dogs are infected with Lyme disease, they experience joint pain. This can be seen in the way that infected dogs start getting up more slowly than normal. Dogs with joint pain also tend to limp around, and they may refuse to use stairs.

What's even worse is the fact that oftentimes the pain caused by Lyme disease goes unnoticed. The result is prolonged suffering, which would have been avoided with a quick, painless vaccination.

2. Intermittent Fatigue

Much like people who are infected with Lyme disease, dogs infected with the disease experience intermittent fatigue.

Running around, playing, and exploring is vital for puppies, but Lyme disease makes it hard for them to perform such physical activities.

If your puppy ends up infected with Lyme disease, even going for walks can be challenging. Frequent breaks are often necessary. The bouts of fatigue come and go, so the problem may seem to be getting better for a while, only to return later. When a dog is infected with Lyme disease, treatment with antibiotics is essential; otherwise, the symptoms will keep returning.

3. Neurological Problems

As Lyme disease progresses, neurological problems begin to occur. Dogs may experience numbness, making them unresponsive to touch. They may also develop paralysis of the ears, nostrils, and eyelids. This paralysis often leads to facial drooping, which is similar to what many dogs experience after having a stroke.

4. Kidney Failure

Perhaps the most devastating effect Lyme disease has on dogs is damage to the kidneys. Kidney damage is asymptomatic at first. It's only after the kidneys are severely damaged that noticeable symptoms such as extreme thirst and weight loss appear. Unfortunately, canine kidney failure is irreversible and fatal.

Lyme disease is a devastating problem that decreases a dog's quality of life. Puppies have their whole lives ahead of them, and vaccinations help to protect them from the bacterial infections spread by ticks. Speak with a vet today about having your puppy vaccinated.